This App designed for draft survey and another calculation relationship with surveyor and seafarer.
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If you want to use this application
that appear in the application, please download the
with the link:
1. Draft Survey (Loading & Discharging)
2. Ballast Water Calculator (Available on Pro Version)
3. Oil Calculator (Available on Pro Version)
4. Interpolation Calculator (Linear, Bilinear & Extrapolation)
5. Trim Request Calculator
6. List or Heel Calculator
7. Vessel's Deflection
8. Capacity per Hold
9. Unit Converter
This application (Draft Survey) designed for easy, fast calculation and also minimize human error due to mistake on manual calculation. It is equipped with option for draft mark position toward perpendicular, option for LCA or LCF and keel thickness correction (subtracted to Quarter Mean Value or subtracted to draft value). It also has save, load & create PDF report feature. In another case You can directly print PDF Report using Wi fi or OTG USB.
Available on Pro Version
Trim Request for 2 Hold application is purposed to make easy calculation about how many tons cargo must be put in your holds to achieve target trim. It only uses trimming table.
This feature has 2 methods of calculation depend on value you know. (1) List By Angle calculator (2) List By Value calculator.
List by value calculator is purposed to know how many degrees of Your vessel's list easily. Beside that, we also can make comparison list with actual draft with Vessel Clinometer.
Same as List by Angle Calculator, this tool is also designed for making easy calculation. No need to remember the formula, just put how many degree and breadth of vessel now . The degree value can be seen on vessel clinometer.
This feature has 3 calculators, (1) Linear Interpolation (2) Bilinear Interpolation (3) Extrapolation. Bilinear interpolation usually used for calculation for ballast water with sounding table compact design (sounding and trim correction into one page). Based on my experience Extrapolation Calculator sometimes useful when I'm Handling for Barge. Because sometimes on hydrostatic table You can't found the number of MTC exactly on the draft, that's why I need extrapolation.
This calculation very important for stability of vessel. Officer must know the position of deflection, sagging or hagging when intermediate draft survey. That's why You can manipulate loading/discharging cargo or ballast for achievement the perfect deflection before sailing.
I think every Officer on vessel already had more compact calculator for this. But sometimes 3rd party want to re check the actual stowage factor fastest. For this reason, i made this calculator. FYI, for SF you must use with unit FT3/ MT, if You don't know You can use Unit Converter on my App.
Unit converter also has stowage factor conversion (Cu.FT./L.T, Cu.FT./M.T, Cu.M./L.T, Cu.M/M.T, L.T./Cu.M, M.T/Cu.M). It can help Master or Officer to make loading/discharge sequence calculation and stowage plan.